Prayer Diary: April 2012

March 23rd, 2012 by

Some suggestions to include in your prayers:

  1. Palm Sunday
  2. International Children’s Book Day
  3. National Autism Awareness Month
  4. International Day for Mine Awareness
  5. Maundy Thursday
  6. Good Friday
  7. World Health Day
  8. Easter Sunday
  9. Those working in the tourist industry as the season begins
  10. Children whose parents have just separated
  11. World Parkinsons Day
  12. International Day for Street Children
  13. The work of the Vine Trust with street children
  14. Those planting and nurturing crops
  15. 100 years since the sinking of the Titanic
  16. Strathfillan Community Development Trust
  17. World Haemophilia Day
  18. People struggling with debt
  19. Children starting a new school in a new place, not knowing anyone
  20. Start of National Organ Donor Awareness week
  21. World Creativity and Innovation Day
  22. London Marathon – runners & charities
  23. St George’s Day
  24. Those who work on public transport
  25. World Malaria Day
  26. Start of SQA Higher examinations
  27. Teams who repair and maintain the roads
  28. Local shops and businesses
  29. World Dance Day
  30. Local lunch clubs

Thanks to those who sent suggestions. Contributions for May’s edition are
most welcome: email Adrienne akswan{at} or Liz lizgibson{at}

Prayer Diary for March 2012

February 26th, 2012 by
  1. St David’s Day
  2. National Doodle Day – Pray for those with Neurofibromatosis
  3. March is The Great Daffodil Appeal month – Pray for the work of Marie Curie and all those who need their help
  4. Fair Trade Fortnight -half way mark – Give thanks for the advances made by the Fair Trade Foundation
  5. Pray for those neighbours of other Christian denominations
  6. Argyll Presbytery meeting in Oban
  7. Pray for those neighbours of other faiths or none
  8. International Womens Day – Give thanks for the progress which has been made
  9. Start of National Science and Engineering week – Give thanks for the benefits of modern technology
  10. Pray for guidance in the use of new technologies, for good not destruction
  11. Start of National Glaucoma Week – Pray for those suffering from this condition
  12. Commonwealth Day – Pray for those living in all parts of the commonwealth
  13. Pray for those who remove our waste and rubbish
  14. Pray for those who work to ensure we have access to clean, safe water
  15. Pray for those who work to provide us with plentiful food
  16. Give thanks that we have been blessed with plenty to eat, and work to reduce waste
  17. St Patrick’s Day
  18. Mothering Sunday – Give thanks for all those who take a mothering role
  19. Pray for all those who have lost their mother in the last year
  20. 1st day of spring – Give thanks for the signs of new life appearing around us as winter draws to a close
  21. World Forestry Day – Give thanks for the beauty of the forests and the employment they provide
  22. World Day for Water – Pray for those who have poor access to clean, safe water
  23. World meteorological Day – Pray for all those affected by weather such as hurricaines and droughts
  24. World Tuberculosis Day – Pray for all those affected by tuberculosis
  25. British Summer time begins – Appreciate the world around us as the days lengthen
  26. World Purple Day – Pray for all those affected by epilepsy
  27. World Theatre Day – Give thanks for the pleasure from all dramatic arts
  28. Fischy Music working with local children – in Crianlarich, Dalmally, kilchrennan and Taynuilt schools
  29. Give thanks for the gift of music and the pleasure this gives us
  30. Give thanks for the involvement of our church in the wider local community
  31. Give thanks for the buildings used for our worship, and for those who care for them

Prayer Diary February 2012

January 29th, 2012 by
  1. Start of National Apprenticeship week
  2. Bethany Trust – working with homeless people
  3. UNICEF Day for Change
  4. World Cancer Day (World Health Organisation)
  5. Work of Marie Curie supporting those with cancer & their families
  6. Start of World Orphan Week
  7. Start of National Marriage week
  8. Those beginning their married life together
  9. Those suffering the breakdown of an unsuccessful relationship
  10. Those who provide relationship support to those with difficulties
  11. Those who have been widowed in recent times
  12. Children growing up in care
  13. Children learning to live in new forever families
  14. Valentine s Day
  15. International Childhood Cancer Day
  16. Those unable to find work at this time of financial hardship
  17. Those unable to work due to physical health problems
  18. Those unable to work due to mental health problems
  19. Those who are in prison, and their families
  20. World Day of Social Justice
  21. Shrove Tuesday
  22. World Thinking Day
  23. International Mother Language Day
  24. Those seeking asylum in our land
  25. Those separated from family by residency decisions
  26. Those learning to live in a new culture in a new country
  27. Start of Fair Trade Fortnight
  28. Those organisations working for Trade Justice
  29. 2012 is the UN International Year of Co-operatives

Thanks to those who sent suggestions. Contributions for March’s edition are most welcome.

Prayer Diary January 2012

January 1st, 2012 by

Some suggestions to include in your prayers this month:

  1. Begins the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All
  2. Pupils preparing for Prelim examinations this month
  3. Those who are homeless this winter
  4. Give thanks for the celebration and break from work
  5. Those for whom Christmas has been difficult
  6. Epiphany
  7. Those representing our interests in the House of Commons
  8. Reflect on how the gift of your time could benefit others
  9. Staff & pupils returning to school after Christmas break
  10. The work of Shelter with the homeless
  11. Give thanks for the society & support of our church family
  12. The work of those providing home care & home help services
  13. Those who work in dark & cold to repair power & telephone lines
  14. Those representing our interests in the Scottish Parliament
  15. Reflect on how your skills and talents could be used to help others
  16. Children away from home at school during week or term
  17. Work of Lodging House Mission in Glasgow’s East End
  18. Begins the week of Prayer for Christian Unity
  19. Give thanks for the beauty of the area surrounding us
  20. Those who work long days keeping transport links moving
  21. Those representing our interests in the European parliament
  22. Consider how any money you are able to give could be used to help others
  23. The work of H2O in Oban High School and the hostels
  24. The work of Centrepoint with young, homeless people
  25. Unity between Christian denominations & congregations
  26. Give thanks for friends and neighbours we can turn to in need
  27. Holocaust Victims Commemoration Day
  28. Those representing our interests in local government
  29. World Leprosy Day
  30. Those children unable to access basic education
  31. The work of Blythswood Care
  32. to those who sent suggestions.
  33. for February’s edition are most welcome.

Prayer Diary December 2011

November 26th, 2011 by

Some suggestions to include in your prayers this month:

  1. World Aids Day
  2. Those serving in the emergency services
  3. International Day of Disabled Persons
  4. Second Sunday in Advent
  5. Those working to alleviate the effects of climate change
  6. The Work of Christian Aid in the East African drought crisis
  7. Those suffering from mental health problems
  8. Those who are persecuted for their faith
  9. Those working in the education of adults
  10. UN Human Rights Day
  11. Third Sunday in Advent
  12. Families under stress
  13. Those suffering due to corruption
  14. Those caring for friends and relatives
  15. The work of Christian Aid in rebuilding Haiti after the earthquake
  16. Those working in the education of children
  17. Those suffering from physical health problems
  18. Fourth Sunday in Advent
  19. Those living in the Occupied Territories across the world
  20. Those working in the ministry, and their families, at this
  21. Those parishes in vacancy, seeking new leadership
  22. The work of Christian Aid in the famine in West Africa
  23. Those facing their first Christmas alone
  24. Those who will give their time this Christmas to help others
  25. Christmas Day
  26. Those in the Armed Forces serving overseas, and their families
  27. Those in hospital over Christmas, and those caring for them
  28. Holy Innocents Day
  29. The work of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in providing health care in areas of conflict
  30. Those working as nurses in hospitals and in the community
  31. The many blessings of the past year

Suggestions for a January edition are most welcome.