Prayer Diary December 2011
November 26th, 2011 by adminSome suggestions to include in your prayers this month:
- World Aids Day
- Those serving in the emergency services
- International Day of Disabled Persons
- Second Sunday in Advent
- Those working to alleviate the effects of climate change
- The Work of Christian Aid in the East African drought crisis
- Those suffering from mental health problems
- Those who are persecuted for their faith
- Those working in the education of adults
- UN Human Rights Day
- Third Sunday in Advent
- Families under stress
- Those suffering due to corruption
- Those caring for friends and relatives
- The work of Christian Aid in rebuilding Haiti after the earthquake
- Those working in the education of children
- Those suffering from physical health problems
- Fourth Sunday in Advent
- Those living in the Occupied Territories across the world
- Those working in the ministry, and their families, at this
- Those parishes in vacancy, seeking new leadership
- The work of Christian Aid in the famine in West Africa
- Those facing their first Christmas alone
- Those who will give their time this Christmas to help others
- Christmas Day
- Those in the Armed Forces serving overseas, and their families
- Those in hospital over Christmas, and those caring for them
- Holy Innocents Day
- The work of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in providing health care in areas of conflict
- Those working as nurses in hospitals and in the community
- The many blessings of the past year
Suggestions for a January edition are most welcome.